Month: July 2018

Fusionex CEO Ivan Teh bags technopreneurship award

Kuala Lumpur: Fusionex Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Ivan Teh, was awarded the ‘Technopreneur of Excellence 2017 Award’ at the National ICT Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) ICT Awards ceremony recently.

In a statement Monday, Fusionex Ivan Teh said, the award was in recognition of its achievements and contributions towards growing and supporting the information and communications technology (ICT) sector in the region and was reserved for individuals demonstrating ICT best practices.

fusionex ivan teh

“The award is also to commend the company’s diligence, commitment and continuous innovation.

“It marks the continuous excellence exhibited by Fusionex, helmed by Teh, and follows the firm’s earlier win of the ‘Company Excellence Award’ in 2016,” it said.

The global information technology company said as a premier data technology player, Teh has also led the firm to strike a strategic alliance with Alibaba Cloud, one of the fastest-growing cloud providers in the world.

“The company’s technology is also incorporated into the syllabus of certain local universities to encourage homegrown ICT talent,” it said. – Bernama